uClibc is a stripped down version of the standard C library.

The first step is to download the sources. As no distribution has been released yet, we will use cvs to retreive our copy :

[cedric@tron src]$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@opensource.lineo.com:/var/cvs login
CVS password: anonymous
[cedric@tron src]$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@opensource.lineo.com:/var/cvs co uClibc

As time of writing, uClibc lacks a function that is used by dnsmasq (inet_netof). Included in lrfs is a small patch that do the job. To apply it :

[cedric@tron src]$ cd uClibc/libc/inet
[cedric@tron inet]$ patch < ../../../../inet_netof.diff

To be continued...